Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lance Dubach: Incontact

Lance Dubach, an employee of Incontact has been participating in The Corporate Wellness Program for 6 months. He was very determined to make changes and he saw quick results, that he has been able to keep off.

Lance completely changed his diet by not eating out, cutting out soda and cooking from The Biggest Loser Cookbook for his dinners at night. He has lost 27 pounds and 5% body fat. He has been exercising with the wii fit 2x a day and now calls it a habit.

His blood pressure went from 140/90, which is considered a hypertensive range, to a normal blood pressure reading of 120/80. His motivation started with the wellness program as well as wanting to fit into some custom made suits from Korea. His wardrobe has completely expanded when he lost the weight and he is well on his way to losing more. He has done a great job and is inspiration to many others.

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